Anakin Stupaine (1686415)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (16 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Simple Luxury - Cinnamon
Published May 28, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (19 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

82 Georgie Henley Rd
Published Aug 20, 2008
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About Me
Hey there, I'm Daniel, 21 years old, from the Netherlands. I'm currently doing an ICT study in Amsterdam, hopefully to become successful in the IT business. For a living I repair Apple computers and love using Macs, even for playing The Sims on.
I'm a mood builder and can have months of no building at all, followed by a huge wave of excitement and will to build, which usually is followed by a few uploads from me to TSR. Enjoy my creations!
My Latest Updates Show All
Update :)Written Jan 27, 2011
It's been quite a while since my last blog post, but I have to be honest, time goes fast ! It's unbelievable how time flies by when you have school and everything happening at the same time... I spend way too little time playing Sims! Building houses! Well anyways, building houses-wise, I actually have done some work and I've made a couple homes, yet to be decorated. The name of this... ...More
September alreadyWritten Sep 04, 2010
I can't believe how fast the time sometimes seems to go... I sometimes have the idea I skip entire days, but then afterwards I think back and come to the conclusion that I really haven't. Last time, I said I would normally write when I'm happy, but this time that's a bit different. My dream to become a high school math teacher has been made impossible... Last Tuesday I got the news - on... ...More
My very first entryWritten Aug 24, 2010
The very first it is... My girlfriend suddenly inspired me to start writing, I don't know how and I don't know why, but I just felt like it. I've always been moderately good at writing, but never did anything with it, apart from getting good grades in school for the writing assignments. I've been here for well over three years now, recently started becoming more active, got myself a 12... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
spladoumMay 22, 2011
Hi there Daan Thank you for commenting on Unhappily Ever After. Sometimes relationships are a little weird ...
YrS92May 22, 2011
Hey there Thanks for the comment on the chapter 49 of the Gardens (and on the Unhappily Ever After too ) so happy you liked it Have a great day, hugs x Senja
YrS92Apr 09, 2011
Hoi daar liefje Dankjewel voor je schattige comment op chapter 48... Je moet Fred's verhaal lezen als je meer wilt weten over Elderberry Knuffel, Senja xxxxx